Toddler Time
Keyser-Mineral County Public Library 105 N. Main St., Keyser, WV, United StatesToddler Time is every Friday at 11am.
Toddler Time is every Friday at 11am.
We’ll be having Kids' Art club on Friday, June 7th! As usual, this might be a bit messy! **There is no registration for this event. We will be holding this event at the library!
We're still on our diamond art kick! This time, we have bookmark kits. In preparation of our Adult Summer Reading Program, we are increasing the amount of patrons we can have during this event from 10 to 15. Please call to register.
The library will close at 12pm today due to internet and network issues. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Toddler Time is every Friday at 11am.
We are partnering with the North Branch Brewing Co. Cover fee is $5 and all proceeds will be donated to the library. Light refreshments will provided, with additional drinks and food for purchase at the bar. Bring a book you love, gently used or new - wrapped. Grab a drink and mingle! Then, we'll open and swap books white elephant style!
The library will be closed June 19th in honor of Juneteenth!
Our Summer Reading Program this year is "Adventure Begins At Your Library"! The Kickoff Party for this program will be June 20th from 10am to 12pm at the West End Park in Keyser, WV. Food and fun will be provided. We will also be handing out program packets. Sign-ups run until June 28th, and all ages are welcome this year!
Toddler Time is every Friday at 11am.
We'll be holding this event once a month and displaying LEGO creations around the library until the next month. There is no registration for this event. LEGOs will be provided by the library.